Sunday, August 30, 2009


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cove Trail work & creature sightings

Been a blog slacker again.....sorry...
We did trail work at the Cove on Saturday to fill in some really muddy spots on Songbird Trail. I spent most of the time helping to sort out rocks. After a while the rocks started looking the same. We rode today to try out our handywork. It rode much smoother...flowed well & our line of sight is much better now. The trail looks a little wide
where we had to dig...but that will get overgrown again in time.
Thursday night I finally saw my first bear of the season. A mamma & 3 cubs. ..We kept our distance...the cubs were very cute.
Saturday we saw a rattle snake while working on the trails....he wasn't so cute.
here are some pics..(borrowed from Laura...thanks!)