This course was a 4.25 miler complete w/ grassy field sections & lots of singletrack, some of it freshly cut. I’m so glad we pre-rode this course the Sunday before the race so we knew what to expect. Last year’s course was a 50/50 mix of long doubletrack (aka grassy field) and single track sections. The folks out in
The sport chickies started at the same time as all the sport men & Clydesdales. Knowing the course, I suggested to the gals we start behind the guys and just sort of pace ourselves. The course starts w/ about a ½ mile prologue around a grassy field w/ a slight climb towards the end just before dumping into the singletrack. Since we had to do 4 laps, I decided I would not go out hard on this prologue. I thought that some of the other ladies would do the pace setting but everyone felt content at the pace being set so we cruised along together. I mentioned to the ladies that things were likely to get backed up as we entered the first section of trail. Just before entering the singletrack, I noticed one of the sport gals in the 18 – 35 category along side of me. I asked her if she wanted to go first & she said “no, no…I’m good right where I am”
Next we dumped into more twisty singletrack. Here’s where you could start gaining time. This section of trail is not terribly technical so you can gas it a bit. It eventually turns right and parallels a pond before getting to a series of logs. At this point, some of the beginner men were starting to catch us. Just before the first big log I knew I two guys behind me. I could not do this log so I let the guys know I was getting off on the left & to pass me on the right. They shouted a big “thanks” and were well on their way. I continued through the rest of the logs, onto another section of trail which was smooth & fast. A couple more beginners got behind me just before a twisty, turny section. I shouted “just let me get through this twisty, turny part & I’ll let ya’ll go” They said no problem. This section dumps out to a fast, grassy downhill. I moved left & let the boys go.
Next came a left turn over a bridge into more singletrack. I was very confident entering this section. We paralleled a stream for a bit, then take a left hand turn up about 100’ more on the hill. We cruise back the way we came on this for a bit. Then come the woop de woos. Riders had a choice of doing the more moderate trail or the whoops. I inadvertently chose the woops but they were fun & manageable. One way was not quicker than the other. The last downhill of the whoops was a little tricky. Back up the hill, right hand turn, more climbing through some loose rock, then across the ridge. Here’s another place to make up more time. You could look below you to see the other riders. The other sport lady was traversing across but I knew she still had to climb so I gassed it a bit more. I negotiated more tricky dips and roots, crossed another bridge & made the right hand turn back into the field. Here’s another place to put the hammer down before entering the last stretch of singletrack that winds you back up to where you started.
Ok 1 lap down, 3 more to go. Lap 2 was pretty uneventful. I maintained a good distance between myself & the other ladies. Lap 3…was a little unnerving. I managed the first 2 switchbacks on the beginning part of the trail. I was preparing for the slick, greasy, off camber section when I heard an awful noise coming from my derailer. Uh oh..Off the bike & tried to run, except my back wheel was completely locked up.
I had thrown my chain on the back to the inside! I was freaking out on the inside knowing my competition could not be far behind. I flipped the bike over, got the back wheel off and freed the chain. Now comes the fun part..I was shaking so bad that I could barely get the wheel back on & lined up correctly. About that time, Todd Reighley (aka Speedracer) asked if I was good. I said yea..go ahead (when in all actuality I was freaking out!) Fortunately Ryan, a friend of Rev, one of the El Toreo crew came along & asked if I needed help. I told him I couldn’t get the wheel lined up. He checked it for me & helped me tighten it down. Thank goodness…..Ryan, you’re a lifesaver! Back on the bike…at this point I was so frazzled that I kept bobbling every few feet or so. I just needed to calm down a bit & I’d be ok.
Lap 4 was clean & I finished strong. The 18 -35 sport lady finished just a few minutes back from me. I came in 1st sport woman overall. One more race to go..the Poor Mountain Hill Climb!