Monday, June 02, 2008

Burn - 24 hour race D List Team final standings

I went back out for another lap in the morning hours. After I completed the lap we were trying to determine how many more rotations the team would get in before the 11:59 a.m. cut-off. We were in contention for 7th place with another team. As we gathered more information on the results, we learned the other team was 20 minutes ahead of us in time and they planned on sending another rider before the cut off. We knew we could not make up 20 minutes so after hubby did his last lap, we called it quits.

Turns out we secured 8th out of 23 (?) teams in our division and we wound up 21st of 115 teams. Not to shabby for a bunch of 24 hour race rookies. Our saving grace was the RV and the fact we went into the race with no expectations except to have fun! I would definitely do another 24 hour race..provided I had a hooked up RV w/ a nice warm bunk and a great team.

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