Tuesday, August 01, 2006



What in the world? My hubby & I were cruising along doing an urban assault ride. (basically an ubran assault ride is anything goes....you ride trail, streets, alley ways, etc.)
I was riding the flaming green booger commuter, cruising down an alley following the same line Warren picked when all of the sudden, I started hearing the noises listed above.

I knew I flatted when I heard the "pow" and the "pssssssst" but what in the heck was causing the "kathunk"?

Then it appeared..a masonry nail of some sort. Not only did it puncture the tire and the tube..but it went clear through the rim. I've never seen anything like it and never had anything like that happen before on a ride. How it went through the rim, I'll never know. I'm not a very big person. I weigh less than 115 lbs...I guess the force and speed caused it to go right through. All you engineer types, see if you can figure that one out!

Here are some pics:


Racing Yenski said...

That is the work of an alley gremlin which are notorious for this kind of behavior. The following link is what one looks like:

Rev's Pulpit said...

Cool, just drill another hole in your hub and add a spoke. that might make an interesting pattern. Better yet, no more searching for those hard to find valve stems. The new hole will be perfect for the new Michelin double valve tube. Happy Trails.